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Dua for Palestine


When to say a Pray or Dua for our brothers and sisters in Palestine?

You can say a Du’a for Palestine at any time, as there is no specific restriction on when you can make supplications. However, there are certain times and situations when your Du’a is believed to be more likely to be accepted. These include:

  1. The Last Ten Days and Nights of Ramadan: These are particularly blessed times when Muslims intensify their worship and Du’a. Allah’s mercy is believed to be abundant during this period, and Du’as made with sincerity are highly regarded.
  2. The Last Third of the Night: The last portion of the night, just before the pre-dawn Fajr prayer, is considered a special time for Du’a. It’s a time when Allah’s mercy is believed to be closer to the earth, and your supplications may carry a greater likelihood of being answered.
  3. When Travelling: While on a journey, especially during moments of vulnerability, such as when you’re away from home, your Du’a may be more sincere and hence more likely to be accepted.
  4. At the Time of Breaking the Fast (Iftar): During the holy month of Ramadan, when Muslims break their fast at sunset, Du’a is highly recommended. It’s a moment of gratitude and reflection, making your supplications more heartfelt.
  5. Between the Adhan and the Iqamah: This is the time just before the congregational prayer (Salah) begins, and it’s considered a time when Du’as are readily accepted.
  6. After Performing Salah (Prayer): Following your obligatory prayers, it’s recommended to make Du’a, as you are already in a state of spiritual connection with Allah.

Remember, while these times are recommended, you can make Du’a for Palestine or any other cause at any time, and your sincerity and faith in Allah’s acceptance of your supplications are what truly matter.

Dua for Palestine:

Here is a Du’a from the Qur’an that you can recite to support our brothers and sisters in Palestine, as well as those in need worldwide:

اللَّهُمَّ أَصْلِحْ أُمَّةَ مُحَمَّدٍ

اللَّهُمَّ فَرِّجْ عَنْ أُمَّةِ مُحَمَّدٍ

اللَّهُمَّ ارْحَمْ أُمَّةَ مُحَمَّدٍ

Transliteration‘Allahumma aslih Ummata Muhammad. Allahumma farrij ‘an Ummati Muhammad. Allahumma Rham Ummata Muhammad [sallAllahu alayhi wasalam]

Translation: ‘O Allah! Guide and rectify the nation of Muhammad. O Allah! Be a source of assistance and support for the nation of Muhammad. O Allah! Shower your mercy upon the nation of Muhammad.’

You can also read the following Du’a in English: 

“O Allah, help and protect the people of Palestine. O Allah, alleviate their anguish and hardship. O Allah, the Most Merciful, shower Your mercy upon them. O Allah, open the hearts of individuals to provide assistance during this critical time. O Allah, assist those who are in need, no matter where they may be.”

When it comes to offering Du’a for Palestine, there is no specific timing that restricts your supplications. While you can pray for our brothers and sisters in Palestine at any moment, there are also auspicious times when your Du’a can carry special significance and may be more likely to be accepted.

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